
Zwing forces its users to be on time. The device is combined with a smartphone application for iOS devices. It's a redesigned study project.

Starting situation

Today's world is dominated by appointments and deadlines. Every day we have to be in certain places at certain times. The motivation for this to be on time is not always easy for many people. This problem led to the idea of zwing.


The bracelet, created by my team member Felix Queisler

Zwing frees us from the burden of self-motivation and simply forces us to be on time.

It includes a bluetooth bracelet with and a smartphone app. The app is connected to the iOS calendar and checks the GPS location of the user. If the user is not at the correct location once an appointment starts, he will be punished every two minutes. Metal plates on the inside of the bracelet transmit an electric shock directly to the wrist.

Wearable and app prototype with original ui



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Sorel Loum

Brüsseler Straße 25

13353 Berlin